Making of 2019
We wanted the process to be just as important as the result. Therefore, producing the making-of was included from the very beginning. Take a look at how the project came together.
Our equipment before traveling to Kenya.
Printing shop in Mombasa (Field Concepts Enterprises) 45 t-shirts for the reporters Computer room @ Nice View School The first computers are connected to the World Wide Web First day: Preparing t-shirts and youth press cards for the students And here we go, ready to start! Our first meeting, introducing ourselves to the students… …and Felix giving them an encouraging speech Now everyone is part of the Nice View Reporter team We start with a workshop on reporter’s work… …how to take good pictures and how to find good topics to report on Lots of ideas are collected First steps in photography: Portraits of each team member A critical audience discussing the first pictures taken First team experience, reporting on the Nice View kitchen work… …and doing first interviews One has no only to ask questions, but also to record the answers Already looks quite professional And all the work has to be transferred to the computer Second day: Leaving the compound for excursion Interviews with people in Msambweni “Team Victor” conducting interviews with boda boda drivers “Team Tim” reporting on shop business “Team Tim” reporting on shop business “Team Tim” reporting on shop business “Team Abdallah” reporting on the garbage situation on the beach “Team Abdallah” reporting on the garbage situation on the beach “Team Abdallah” reporting on the garbage situation on the beach “Team Victor”, back in the editorial rooms “Team Abdallah” reporting on the garbage situation on the beach “Team Victor” working on the reportage Celebration of the last evening Bernhard, giving a warm acceptance speech The end of five great and enhearting days – thank you very much and asante sana to everyone!