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The merits of local journalism

Serving the people with local news in Msambweni, Kenya

Kenya has a thrieving media scene with more than 90 radio stations, more than 60 free TV stations and a large number of printed newspapers and magazines. Nevertheless, in a country with a population around 50 million the Daily Nation and The Standard are the only two independent national daily newspapers.

Msambweni, located on the southern coast some 50 kilometres from the border to Tanzania, does not have a local newspaper for it’s estimated population of 13,000. Nevertheless, independent local reporting is important for democratic societies and for the freedom of the press. Local events, local politics, local environment immediately affects the local communities. And it is the local politics, local businesses and the events right next door more than whatever happens far away that interest the local population.

But how do you find out about the yearly festivities, the opening hours of local businesses and about the projects of your local government – if there is no media you can refer to.

Well, in Msambweni there now is. This website is trying to fill the no-local-media gap. First steps have been taken by the students of the Nice View Gratitude Academy who as Nice View Reporters published their first stories in February 2019 on May this website be the foundation of a future local news source for Msambweni.

Nice View Reporters Club 2022

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