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Month: February 2019

Interview with Our Teacher Mr. Musogah

Reporter: What is your name/How old are you?
Teacher: Victor Musogah, and I am 29 years old.

Reporter: Where do you come from?
Teacher: I am from Chavakali town, Vihiga county in the western part of Kenya.

Reporter: What is your career?
Teacher: I am a teacher by profession.

Reporter: Which year did you start teaching?

Teacher: I started my profession officially in the year 2014.

Reporter: How many schools have you taught?
Teacher: I have taught in three different schools.

Reporter: Which subject do you teach?

Teacher: I teach Christian Religious Education.

Reporter: Do you like your job?

Teacher: Yes I do, because teaching is a calling and no one forced me to select teaching as my career.

Reporter: What are the challenges you face?

Teacher: I have never encountered any challenges in my teaching career.

Reporter: What are your hobbies
Teacher: I like singing and dancing.

Reporter: Are you married?
Teacher: I am married.

Reporter: What is your best class?
Teacher: In my perspective my best class is std.6

Reporter: Thank you for having an interview with you.

Teacher: Welcome.

The Talents of Nice View During Free Time

As seen above, it is our pupils playing and our beloved Maria dancing clumsily.

Pupils in our school are very talented in games and sports. Some like to draw pictures like portraits to entertain themselves during free time.

Other students love swimming, reading and playing music and our teachers love to spend time with us.