Nice View Football Lesson
The Nice View Reporter Club proudly presents an explainer video on how to play football.
The story behind the video
Since the Nice View Reporter Club 2022 was dedicated to making explainer videos, we started it with a short introduction to the basics of filming on Monday. Afterwards it was time to go into the different groups.
In our team green we then did a small recap of what reporters do. One of the important things: they tell facts in an objective way. Well, that posed a challenge for us since our topic was football. And there were many football fans in our group!
To get a feeling for video making, we jumped right in: Everyone tried filming outside at different spots on the Nice View compound. We did two forms of interview (with the interviewer being visible or not), filmed moving subjects and experienced the effect of slow motion and time lapse. Afterwards we watched the filmed material.
On Tuesday we collected our knowledge about football. We knew a lot already, but what about the inventor of football? Or the first official African team? So we did some research on the internet with google.
In the afternoon we had a lot of information on our board. Now there came the difficult part: narrowing it down. We also had to decide on the order in which to present it. After doing that, we collected all the requisites that we needed for our actors on the next day.
On Wednesday we went through the final script together. It included all the scenes we had to shoot and which text to record. Then it was shooting time! So we went to the football field. Two pupils where filming with mobile phones. The rest appeared as reporters, actors – and themselves. After hours of shooting and playing football in the sun, we were all very tired (and some also sunburned – guess who!). But we had a lot of great material.
On Thursday we started with interviewing our football expert Abdallah Makau. Then we recorded the voice-over. Since everyone did a great job, you can now hear everyone of team green in the video. We also shot some last scenes in our studio.
Later Benni showed us on his computer how the different scenes come together in editing. Here it became clear why we were shooting with two cameras: to show a scene from different perspectives, which makes watching it more exciting. Afterwards some of our team tried editing their own version of a penalty kick.
After six hours of editing until 3 o’clock at night, everyone of team green could finally watch our football video on Friday morning. It was great seeing everything of our hard work paying off. We hope that you enjoy it, too